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July 09, 2006
BON JOVI News Articles
BON JOVI News ArticlesThree very big pieces on BON JOVI have turned up for your reading pleasure:
REUTERS / HOLLYWOOD REPORTER article about the BON JOVI tour is available now online. Either do a Google News search and the syndicated piece will come up or you can go right to this site: http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=musicNews&storyID=2006-07-07T024230Z_01_N06454601_RTRIDST_0_MUSIC-BONJOVI-DC.XML
TIME OUT NEW YORK has a Q&A with Jon Bon Jovi in this week's issue. For those of you in the NYC metro area, pick a copy up -- it's on the very last page of the magazine. The weekly feature is called THE HOT SEAT. For those of you who can't pick up a copy, here's the link: http://www.timeout.com/newyork/Details.do?page=1&xyurl=xyl://TONYWebArticles1/562/hot_seat/jon_bon_jovi.xml
AUDIENCE Magazine which is a concert touring publication based out of the UK has JON BON JOVI on the cover and a feature article on BON JOVI's massive HAVE A NICE DAY tour. Great read. Hard to come by a hard copy if you're not in the industry and a subscriber, but here's a link to the homepage where you can see the cover of the magazine: http://www.audience.uk.com/
And here's a link to an EXCEPRT of the actual text of the article: http://www.audience.uk.com/special_features.htm
IF there's a way to legally share the entire magazine content with you, it will go up on this site but at this date in time, it's open to subscribers only.
Posted by riesambo at July 9, 2006 06:47 PM