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March 27, 2008

Richie Sambora Busted for DUI

mshot.jpg Sobriety can't seem to strike a chord with Richie Sambora.
Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora , who did two stints in rehab last year, was arrested Tuesday night for DUI in Laguna Beach, Calif., the Associated Press reports.
Bon Jovi lead guitarist Richie Sambora has been arrested for investigation of driving under the influence of alcohol. Three females, including two minors, were in the black Hummer with Sambora.
Bon Jovi rocker Richie Sambora has been arrested for drunk driving in California.
Richie Sambora was arrested in California last night for driving under the influence, gossip website TMZ is reporting. The guitarist is said to have been pulled over at around 11PM PT last night after cops observed him driving erratically.
LAGUNA BEACH, CALIF.–Bon Jovi lead guitarist Richie Sambora has been arrested in Laguna Beach, Calif., for investigation of driving under the influence of alcohol.
Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora is arrested for investigation of drunken driving in California.

Posted by riesambo at March 27, 2008 06:26 AM